
Almost didn’t get paid for 25 hours of work on weekend.

I’m a sophomore in high school and part of a water polo club. We’re gearing up for a big tournament and I’m not playing in it. But this means that I’ll be working the qualifier tournaments. So, last week I was told the club needed people to work the game days for a full 25 hours, paid. And myself and a few others took that offer up. So, the first day it’s a solid 13 hours of work, doing game logistics like running the scoreboard and selling tickets and stuff. Keep in mind that’s for 13 hours. So then, we had noticed some grey areas in the offer, others we knew working at different pools in the area (very large tournament) weren’t getting paid when they thought they were. So we asked our coach, the guy who gave us the offer. And he said pretty much, “Oh I don’t know…

I’m a sophomore in high school and part of a water polo club. We’re gearing up for a big tournament and I’m not playing in it. But this means that I’ll be working the qualifier tournaments. So, last week I was told the club needed people to work the game days for a full 25 hours, paid. And myself and a few others took that offer up. So, the first day it’s a solid 13 hours of work, doing game logistics like running the scoreboard and selling tickets and stuff. Keep in mind that’s for 13 hours. So then, we had noticed some grey areas in the offer, others we knew working at different pools in the area (very large tournament) weren’t getting paid when they thought they were. So we asked our coach, the guy who gave us the offer. And he said pretty much, “Oh I don’t know I’ll have to make sure with the director”. This is kinda whacky considering he came to us with the info the director gave to him. So, it’s a little sketchy now. The second day begins and one of my peeps, a guy who took the same offer I did, spoke with thr director briefly and was told that we actually weren’t getting paid and we, the high school boys were there raising money for the tournament. Now this isn’t right. Particularly because there are some adults there who worked the same amount of time I did and are getting paid guaranteed. So, I worked that entire day incredibly pissed, obviously as one would do because now we’re being forced to stay there the entire time and clean up afterwords, without the pay we were promised. So, after that nice long 12 hour shift, I called the director directly and had a little chat, where I told her that myself and another person had been told we were getting paid by our coach, and that he got the information from her, so we expect to be paid. She told me that actually, since I’m a high school boy in the program, the money I would have been paid was going to the tournament. So, after I argued a little bit f more,for the money that was mine, she finally just backed down and pretty much said fine, you’ll get paid. I’m still pretty pissed even though I have cash coming my way.
So now, Monday comes around and my coach had a little chat with me saying I went behind his back here and made him very upset. Which I honestly don’t care about because he told me I was getting paid and that money was almost taken right out of my hands

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