
Almost had an anxiety attack at work

One of the first things I had to deal with at work yesterday was my store manager trying to teach me how to market our credit card in the ‘right’ way. I had my spiel and no one ever said anything, but all of a sudden she thought it wasn’t good enough and was making me harass customers in a very specific way. She wanted me to do it how she does it, which in my opinion is incredibly inefficient. I had to do it word for word how she does it while she watched me. On top of that, I was one of two cashiers on register in the morning. On a weekend day. After all of that, I had the stress of trying to promote the credit cards ‘properly’ and ask about donations as well. We had long lines, not enough people, and rude customers and as time…

One of the first things I had to deal with at work yesterday was my store manager trying to teach me how to market our credit card in the ‘right’ way. I had my spiel and no one ever said anything, but all of a sudden she thought it wasn’t good enough and was making me harass customers in a very specific way. She wanted me to do it how she does it, which in my opinion is incredibly inefficient. I had to do it word for word how she does it while she watched me.
On top of that, I was one of two cashiers on register in the morning. On a weekend day. After all of that, I had the stress of trying to promote the credit cards ‘properly’ and ask about donations as well. We had long lines, not enough people, and rude customers and as time went on I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack. I ended up going to the restroom to try and calm myself down but it didn’t help very much. I finally told one of the supervisors and she was nice and said she was there if I had questions or needed help, which I appreciated. But I think she thought I felt like that because of the long line. Which wasn’t entirely untrue, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to explain myself without crying. I just let it go. I’m under so much stress and mental strain from this job but I don’t know if I can afford to leave right now. It makes me almost sick to think about working tomorrow.

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