
Already quit a year ago

Vague title but I mentally quit my job about a year ago. For context I’ve been working as a clerk in a hospital for about a year and a half now, not bad pay, but very stressful work. I started in an office with about 6 or 7 other people who didn’t really help out with anything. They were all women and I was the only man and the youngest person in the department so for some reason I ended up doing a majority of the work. After about 5 months I was burnt out. Covering shifts constantly, doing about three peoples jobs at once, but the point was to help out patients so that was my only motivation to keep trying. Our boss took it really easy on the rest of the team and let them have a lot of time off for various reasons from minor inconveniences (the…

Vague title but I mentally quit my job about a year ago. For context I’ve been working as a clerk in a hospital for about a year and a half now, not bad pay, but very stressful work.

I started in an office with about 6 or 7 other people who didn’t really help out with anything. They were all women and I was the only man and the youngest person in the department so for some reason I ended up doing a majority of the work. After about 5 months I was burnt out. Covering shifts constantly, doing about three peoples jobs at once, but the point was to help out patients so that was my only motivation to keep trying.

Our boss took it really easy on the rest of the team and let them have a lot of time off for various reasons from minor inconveniences (the infamous car troubles) to major things (kids being sick or family emergencies) which I was okay with until it became my sole responsibility to cover them, which would end up being two or three people a day leaving early or some other bs.

After a few more months and what I feel like was sexual harassment from a few coworkers I decided to switch departments and that is where I fucked up. I moved into a clerical position in IT (help desk) and have been absolutely swamped with work that is not only above my pay grade but way out of my scope to even deal with. The only person I work with seems to think I’m his assistant cause he’s always having me make endless phone calls to people that he just ends up taking over anyway so I don’t understand the reason I call them to begin with.

The rest of the staff has me work on projects that I don’t understand and I get a lot of bad attitude from people at work. So I’ve been stressed out, I decided maybe I should take a LOA or something until my mind was made up for me.

So my “supervisor” tends to give me way too much work to handle and most of it like I said isn’t supposed to be my responsibility, and I fall behind cause he doesn’t really help me with much. I heard he was throwing me under the bus for whatever problems our department can’t fix regardless of who’s responsibility it actually is, he’s just blaming me for everything that’s going wrong. To top it off he’s taking all the credit for the work I actually do accomplish and has since gotten a raise for the hard work I’VE been doing. He also seems to have some kind of thing for my girlfriend and goes to the restaurant she works at everyday for lunch which wouldn’t bother me if she wasn’t the only reason he’s going there. He’s even had me come in on the holidays to work when we aren’t even open (I came in for an hour and left, came back later on in the day to clock out)

I’m typing up my resignation letter and handing it in on Monday, I’m tired of this corporate bs and being treated like an idiot all the time. There’s a lot of other shit I’ve dealt with but I feel like this post is long enough. Thanks for reading of you got this far 🙂

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