
Am I a bad coworker? (Kind of an update to my last post)

I posted about a coworker #1 who doesn’t like me, ignores me, and bad mouths me before. Kinda an update? Well, another semi coworker worked with me today (we will call them coworker #2) and I haven’t seen them in a while. Well, CW1 and CW2 talked for a while and then CW2 asked me out loud why I don’t talk a lot. That seems like a common question my coworkers have. I told them I’m shy and awkward, that’s just the kind of person I am. CW2 seemed slightly offended I said that, in which I said “trust me, I’m even awkward around my own family that’s how awkward I am” (this is very true, I am very quiet and hesitant when it comes to talking to anyone). So today I tried to talk more, I hope CW2 doesn’t think I’m weird (I don’t see them often it’s once…

I posted about a coworker #1 who doesn’t like me, ignores me, and bad mouths me before. Kinda an update?

Well, another semi coworker worked with me today (we will call them coworker #2) and I haven’t seen them in a while. Well, CW1 and CW2 talked for a while and then CW2 asked me out loud why I don’t talk a lot. That seems like a common question my coworkers have.

I told them I’m shy and awkward, that’s just the kind of person I am. CW2 seemed slightly offended I said that, in which I said “trust me, I’m even awkward around my own family that’s how awkward I am” (this is very true, I am very quiet and hesitant when it comes to talking to anyone). So today I tried to talk more, I hope CW2 doesn’t think I’m weird (I don’t see them often it’s once in a blue-moon really)

I just feel really bad that a lot of coworkers ask me that. Like they ask like they think I don’t like them, and I’ve explained why I don’t talk a lot (I’m quiet, awkward, it’s nothing personal, it’s just how I am as a person) and everyone just seems a bit offended. But I really mean what I say. I don’t dislike anyone or have hate for anyone at work at all, regardless what they do to me.
(There’s only one or two coworkers I don’t talk with bc they gossip & are judgy, but the rest seem good intention)

I just do my job and rarely make small talk.

Not to mention I’m autistic so I genuinely have a hard time understanding social cues and making eye contact, understanding concepts sometimes, and sounding genuinely interested (I have a hard time with tone as well). I also stutter and have somewhat of a lisp. So to me it’s like might as well not really talk much because it’s a challenge for me and I’m kinda scared to say something wrong or say something dumb.

I became so comfortable at work that I don’t mask anymore, I decided to stop because it burns me out so to preserve my energy and to feel ok at the end of the day.

I mean personally, how do you folks feel about quiet coworkers? Do you folks feel awkward or like they don’t like you? Do you dislike them because of that? Should I try to talk more?

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