
Am I a class traitor for simply doing my job? Maybe… but I’m still going to do it because I must. Sorry about that.

I ruffled some feathers in a recent post about IT network restrictions and user monitoring. I manage an IT department with a few hundred end-users, and I have locked the network down so hard you cannot even listen to music, browse then net, or even take a break without me knowing. This was at the request of my CEO. Suddenly, I am everyone’s enemy. People at work hold me personally responsible for making their days miserable and they’ve ostracized me from their social circles and now label me as management, which I technically am but I don’t like to think of myself as such. In real life, this really pisses me off. This is my job, and I’m doing what is requested of me, just like everyone else. Personally, I’m all about antiwork, but I also will not jeopardize my quality of life. I own a homestead out in the…

I ruffled some feathers in a recent post about IT network restrictions and user monitoring. I manage an IT department with a few hundred end-users, and I have locked the network down so hard you cannot even listen to music, browse then net, or even take a break without me knowing. This was at the request of my CEO.

Suddenly, I am everyone’s enemy. People at work hold me personally responsible for making their days miserable and they’ve ostracized me from their social circles and now label me as management, which I technically am but I don’t like to think of myself as such. In real life, this really pisses me off. This is my job, and I’m doing what is requested of me, just like everyone else.

Personally, I’m all about antiwork, but I also will not jeopardize my quality of life. I own a homestead out in the country and am happy. I will do what I must to maintain that lifestyle, including playing ‘big brother’ to make sure you’re all working as hard as my boss wants you to. When a post came up that criticized what I do for a career, I got defensive and made some comments I regret. I came off as a dick trying to defend myself, and weirdly enough, even defended my boss which I now take back. I just want to make things clear though, whilst I apologize for being an ass, I will not apologize for doing my job.

I want the best working conditions for everyone. I want people to enjoy their jobs and have enough freedom to be able to work in a way which is efficient for them. However, I still need to do what my CEO requests from me. I’m guessing many of you also do things at work that you personally disagree with, but we still have mortgages to pay and lives to life, so we do them anyways. I wish we lived in a better world, but we don’t.

If you think you’re ‘above’ me and see me as a ‘class traitor,’ so be it, but I think that is an erroneous judgment. I’m still fully behind improving working conditions for everyone. Maybe I don’t belong on this sub as some of you have pointed out, but I’m still supporting you.

Again, sorry for being a dick, but also please understand that I’m just doing what I’m told, and if it isn’t illegal or unlawful, I’m going to do it.

Note: I’m also Autistic which some have easily spotted due to my lack of empathy. I’m trying my best. It is difficult for me to experience and read emotions, so sometimes I read the room wrong, or say things that are inappropriate. It is never my intent to offend someone, but it does happen. I’m sorry if I ever offend someone here.

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