
Am I a doormat?

Hi everyone. I work for a plus size fashion retailer in Canada and I’d like to leave it at that for the sake of anonymity. At work I’ve taken on a TON of additional responsibilities, even though my title is “fashion associate”. I do payroll, (which is a huge violation) help with the schedule, train new people and liaison between management and new hires. I set up and maintain the companies visual requirements in the store and assure that our KPI goals are always met. I am currently the only employee other than the manager who training and practice in these skills. I asked a few weeks ago if I could apply for the team lead position, as I have already taken on much of this responsibility and the benefits that come with it would be life changing for me, as my medication is expensive and not covered by universal…

Hi everyone. I work for a plus size fashion retailer in Canada and I’d like to leave it at that for the sake of anonymity.

At work I’ve taken on a TON of additional responsibilities, even though my title is “fashion associate”. I do payroll, (which is a huge violation) help with the schedule, train new people and liaison between management and new hires. I set up and maintain the companies visual requirements in the store and assure that our KPI goals are always met. I am currently the only employee other than the manager who training and practice in these skills.

I asked a few weeks ago if I could apply for the team lead position, as I have already taken on much of this responsibility and the benefits that come with it would be life changing for me, as my medication is expensive and not covered by universal healthcare. They said they’d keep it in mind.

Fast forward to me working 43 hours in one week (I am a part time hire!), on the Sunday after a horrible long week, my boss decided that that day would be my assessment and determine whether I would get the role, without telling me. This was a massively unfair move. I was exhausted, overworked and in a significant amount of physical pain because of the 20 extra hours I had put myself through. I was in the midst of a lupus flare, because I had done too much. It was an all around bad day.

My boss pulled me aside and said “there are some things I you need to work on before we can offer that position to you, your shift was not great, I’m not saying no, I’m just saying not now”

I feel like I’ve been totally fucked over but I don’t want to quit. I still have hope that I can prove her wrong and do a good job as a team lead. I love my team and they love having me there and tell me all the time. I’m basically already doing the job but without the pay or title. (I know I’m a dumbass)

Should I quiet quit? Should I apply to the position on indeed under an alias and when they call me for an interview say “I told you so”? Should I outright walk away?

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