
Am I aloud to use the company’s name in a post?

I was hired by a company at the beginning of covid as a UAS pilot as they were starting a business in the US from the UK. $20 to start was a good price. Until they forced me to move to California (I have a house in Pennsylvania). I was hired as the 4th employee for the business in the states. Over a year of busting my ass in wild fires(no masks),50+miles in the woods with no service and no radio, working after hours not being payed, roach infested hotels, forced to use personal cellphone to be tracked, forced to work over 2500 miles from home. I was looking for a reason why they were promoting and hiring people in positions above me. My performance made everyone else look sub par which was made clear by me having all records of completed work. I was teaching the mangers the job…

I was hired by a company at the beginning of covid as a UAS pilot as they were starting a business in the US from the UK. $20 to start was a good price. Until they forced me to move to California (I have a house in Pennsylvania). I was hired as the 4th employee for the business in the states. Over a year of busting my ass in wild fires(no masks),50+miles in the woods with no service and no radio, working after hours not being payed, roach infested hotels, forced to use personal cellphone to be tracked, forced to work over 2500 miles from home. I was looking for a reason why they were promoting and hiring people in positions above me. My performance made everyone else look sub par which was made clear by me having all records of completed work. I was teaching the mangers the job they were hired to do and then get paid more than me. I called in sick one day in the almost 2 years because my food was swollen so big I couldn’t got my shoe on and when telling the manager he laughed at me. The straw that broke the camels back was when I started talking to other employees about how much they make. I found out someone that started very shortly after me was making more money than me from day one. That’s not the problem, the problem was this person was narcoleptic. He would fall asleep while on the job. He literally fell asleep mid flight with me. I brought it to my superiors that were all hired after me for more money than me. They said”oh you didn’t know” I couldnt and am still unable to understand how that is safe on major projects across the world. I felt so in safe from all of the horrible things going on so I packed my things got on a plane and went home. They fired me for not staying in California. I left my life behind for them for over a year. They had record profits of over $1 million a month for over a year with less than 10 employees. For Christmas I got a hot chocolate packet and a cup for all my hard work. I tried to explain this to the person I know still working there and they have taken me out of their life. I was best man at his wedding. They are getting free work out of so many people because of the opportunity that it seems to look like. The ceo is pure evil talks about how we are family but lies every step of the way. I’d love to send an email to the client they work for and tell them all the bad things they did but I am someone who doesn’t speak up. It took me a year just to work up the courage to write this post.

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