
am i being dramatic or was this a bizarre way to fire someone?

i just started a new job literally two weeks ago. i (was) a part-time maid. we cleaned in upscale neighborhoods. i applied as i had to leave my previous full-time because of health issues. i applied to a few jobs. i landed one job which was only $12 an hour but union. the other was a private start-up at $18 an hour. obviously i chose the start up because i needed the money. the job itself was okay. their methods were different from the other companies i worked for so it took me time to adjust. i was always tired afterwards. my bosses talked a lot and i really didn't, but i know i wasn't rude, i'm just a quiet person and i really just want to go to work and actually do my job. they would text each other in front of me and not tell me anything. i…

i just started a new job literally two weeks ago. i (was) a part-time maid. we cleaned in upscale neighborhoods. i applied as i had to leave my previous full-time because of health issues. i applied to a few jobs. i landed one job which was only $12 an hour but union. the other was a private start-up at $18 an hour. obviously i chose the start up because i needed the money.

the job itself was okay. their methods were different from the other companies i worked for so it took me time to adjust. i was always tired afterwards. my bosses talked a lot and i really didn't, but i know i wasn't rude, i'm just a quiet person and i really just want to go to work and actually do my job. they would text each other in front of me and not tell me anything. i felt like they didn't like me but i figured i was just being paranoid.

i worked there for a few days and then i went to work this morning (we meet at one location to park our cars and then drive to the clients homes) and both of my bosses got out, handed me a termination letter, said i lied about my work experience and that my work was unsatisfactory, got in the work van and left. i just stood in the parking lot with the letter.

if i had gotten any complaints, nobody told me. i didn't lie about my work history. they never had a meeting with me to tell me i needed to do better. i was literally still shadowing and training. i'm in tears because obviously i need the money and just on saturday morning, they sent me my schedule for this week as if i'd be working. i never went on my phone, i pulled 12 hour shifts without complaint, asked questions, and did whatever they asked of me. am i crazy or is this situation crazy? i want to leave an indeed review but i don't know if i actually did anything wrong.

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