
Am I being screwed

Okay first off I’m in CA and I work for a company that won a contract to provide support for technical issues with certain devices to a major facility. I am not technically employed by winning company as they have contracted me through a job agency to fulfill the duties required by the facility. I get no benefits, I’m NOT an official employee for the Company or the Facility. Recently the offered additional duties to be on standby/on call for several devices that require 24/7 weekend support and 6pm-12am weekday support. I accepted but I cannot get paid unless a device needs support. How do I find out if a device needs support? I get an email from the device when someone puts in a ticket. I have to check my emails constantly through the day and night. So if I get a call on weekends I get paid for…

Okay first off I’m in CA and I work for a company that won a contract to provide support for technical issues with certain devices to a major facility. I am not technically employed by winning company as they have contracted me through a job agency to fulfill the duties required by the facility.

I get no benefits, I’m NOT an official employee for the Company or the Facility.

Recently the offered additional duties to be on standby/on call for several devices that require 24/7 weekend support and 6pm-12am weekday support. I accepted but I cannot get paid unless a device needs support. How do I find out if a device needs support? I get an email from the device when someone puts in a ticket. I have to check my emails constantly through the day and night. So if I get a call on weekends I get paid for 4 hours automatically and during weekdays I get paid 2 hours. Usually a repairs or temporary replacements take about 1hr.

My question is, do I have to get paid for constantly checking my emails through the day and night. Can they legally pay me the way they’re paying me? Devices aren’t always going down but I still have to check my emails. I’m not an official employee and they can terminate me at anytime. Even me posting this is grounds for termination

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