
Am I Crazy, or are they? NSFW because gross.

Y'all, I started a new work environment and the behaviors are just…. making me question reality??? Like not the coworkers. None of them are trying to gaslight or anything. But the behaviors are so obscenely strange for a work place, I honestly feel like I'm hallucinating here. So have this story, to start off It's less weird. ​ Then… today. First up: I went to use the restroom (brace yourselves). The people in the business that shares our building, come into our office to use the restroom. This is at least, what I've heard. So today, when I walked into the single person restroom and saw>! a big, yellow, opaque splotch of piss accompanied by 2 very long pubes on the toilet seat!

Y'all, I started a new work environment and the behaviors are just…. making me question reality??? Like not the coworkers. None of them are trying to gaslight or anything. But the behaviors are so obscenely strange for a work place, I honestly feel like I'm hallucinating here.

So have this story, to start off It's less weird.

Then… today.

First up: I went to use the restroom (brace yourselves).

The people in the business that shares our building, come into our office to use the restroom. This is at least, what I've heard.

So today, when I walked into the single person restroom and saw>! a big, yellow, opaque splotch of piss accompanied by 2 very long pubes on the toilet seat!<, I immediately assumed it was either someone from next door, or off the street.

The 60+ year old from the ^^linked story, has her office right by the door. So I asked her who came in to use the restroom, because at this point I was seized by the need to know who was this vile, and burn the witch. Preferably along with that toilet seat.

Now, tiny thing about this office: People often answer questions I didn't ask. And don't answer questions I did ask.

Also, tiny thing about me: In 2020 my B12 levels got so low I ended up with a severe deficiency, otherwise known as reversible Dementia, and experienced a lot of memory loss, along with psychosis at the height of it all (hallucinated things happening in the work place- like full-blown scenarios). So the idea of it happening again, is pretty damn scary.

Back to the story.

The coworker tells me, “It might have been me or [other coworker].” Because I'm so used to questions I didn't ask being answered instead of the ones I did, I assume she's answering a different question. Because surely 2 women in their 60s know to check and make sure they left the restroom clean, before they left it.

It wasn't until after that I realized she'd had an embarrassed tone, because again, I genuinely could not believe that could be the answer.

Not realizing she was likely that much of a communal slob was a big contributor to me saying, “Ugh, that's repugnant,” as I went to clean the seat.

So that happened earlier in the day.

And then later, I realized there was a huge issue with the data I was using, that if continued upon would basically burn business down before it had a chance.

So I email a coworker with the same position as me, but who'd been there longer. Trying to convey that this issue could cost us a lot of potential business before we'd gotten to it.

She replied to me in all caps something that very clearly missed any of what I was saying (she doesn't read full emails it seems, just enough to tell people they're wrong). Telling me something about how I'm trying to leap over animal shit, and that I should do X (very, very different language- and not in a cleaner way). Basically telling me I'm overthinking a data issue that could really screw us.

I email another coworker, and talk to yet another, and both of them told me to call The Boss (gone on vacation, which is why I was avoiding it).

Y'all, am I missing something? Is telling people not to “pole vault over mouse turds” normal workplace email etiquette? Is it normal for a senior citizen to be so obtusely unhygienic? (Seriously, I'm avoiding her like hell from now on, because she's reminding me of my own mother now, who never washes her hands for any reason. Ever.)

I need some feedback, my guys.

Words hidden because eww. So much eww.

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