
Am I crazy? Tipping when I get minimum wage?

I dont understand this. Isnt the minimum wage for all workers in Canada the same? Why am I tipping someone to deliver my pizza? It his job no? I dont get tipped when im working. What the fuck is going on? Am i misinformed or something? I didnt tip for a pizza recently and the guy called me out on it. Like making me feel bad and stuff. WTF? Guess I just need some clarity. Do I make more money than delivery guys and waiters n stuff? They dont even get taxed on the tips. Im so confused.

I dont understand this. Isnt the minimum wage for all workers in Canada the same? Why am I tipping someone to deliver my pizza? It his job no? I dont get tipped when im working. What the fuck is going on? Am i misinformed or something? I didnt tip for a pizza recently and the guy called me out on it. Like making me feel bad and stuff. WTF?

Guess I just need some clarity. Do I make more money than delivery guys and waiters n stuff? They dont even get taxed on the tips. Im so confused.

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