I didn't get a COL raise this year after a lot of senior people in the company did.
I complained and asked why but got no answers. It fucked me up in the head a bit.
I had also been promised a promotion at the end of the year but my boss got a promotion and the new bosses are pretending they don't know anything about the promised promotion.
I complained about that and asked why and got no answers.
They've been trying to get me to do lower-level work even though I was hired in a leadership position. I complained about that and asked why but got no answers.
It feels like they're sick of me complaining and I got a meeting put on my calendar for Monday titled “Meeting”. It has my boss and the COO (but not HR).
Is this a bad sign or possibly something good?
For context, there are multiple people out sick with mental health issues while this is happening.
Also, I'm undertitled/mistitled and they won't fix it and I'm guessing that's why they won't give a raise (because I'm at the top of the range for a mistitled job).
EDIT: Is there a chance they'd just have HR join even though they aren't on the invite? Trying to gauge my risk for this call.