
Am I gonna get in trouble for using the company’s insurance knowing I’ll quit in a month?

My current part-time job requires me to put in 60 hrs/month to qualify for insurance but back in May, I accepted an internship for the summer through my school that drops my hours under 60/month. I told my manager about this and HR said I can keep my insurance since in their mind, I’ll be back to 60 hrs/month come September. I have known that I’m going on a semester abroad since January but haven’t told my manager yet mainly because of the extensive insurance coverage. I’m getting my wisdom teeth removed at the end of July and I’m planning on telling my manager that I’m leaving 2 weeks before my trip, so around the beginning of August. I didn’t tell him about the trip earlier because I was scared they’d take away my insurance. Am I gonna get in any sort of trouble, insurance wise, when they find out…

My current part-time job requires me to put in 60 hrs/month to qualify for insurance but back in May, I accepted an internship for the summer through my school that drops my hours under 60/month. I told my manager about this and HR said I can keep my insurance since in their mind, I’ll be back to 60 hrs/month come September. I have known that I’m going on a semester abroad since January but haven’t told my manager yet mainly because of the extensive insurance coverage. I’m getting my wisdom teeth removed at the end of July and I’m planning on telling my manager that I’m leaving 2 weeks before my trip, so around the beginning of August. I didn’t tell him about the trip earlier because I was scared they’d take away my insurance.

Am I gonna get in any sort of trouble, insurance wise, when they find out I just got to keep my insurance for 4 months without hitting the required hours?

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