
Am I in the wrong? Or am I just not a hard enough worker?

My coworker usually works 8:00-4:30am shifts while I close 1:30-10:00pm shifts as a dishwasher at the supermarket that we work at. So yesterday he left four and a half hours early because he was sick so as soon as I came in for my closing shift I was behind and there were some dishes that I couldn’t finish so usually we’re allowed to leave dishes overnight for the morning if we don’t get everything done. The rotisserie chicken machine was broken so we have to use the deep trays and put them in the oven instead (30 trays). They usually take 30 minutes each to soak in hot water before you can scrub them and put them through the dish machine (keep in mind we still have to worry about wokery, sushi, meal center, chefs case, pizza, and cheese departments which all have they’re own separate dishes that one person…

My coworker usually works 8:00-4:30am shifts while I close 1:30-10:00pm shifts as a dishwasher at the supermarket that we work at. So yesterday he left four and a half hours early because he was sick so as soon as I came in for my closing shift I was behind and there were some dishes that I couldn’t finish so usually we’re allowed to leave dishes overnight for the morning if we don’t get everything done. The rotisserie chicken machine was broken so we have to use the deep trays and put them in the oven instead (30 trays). They usually take 30 minutes each to soak in hot water before you can scrub them and put them through the dish machine (keep in mind we still have to worry about wokery, sushi, meal center, chefs case, pizza, and cheese departments which all have they’re own separate dishes that one person has to do). So obviously I ran out of time and my coworker calls out the next day which means my manager has to do my job in the morning. As soon as I came in he starts yelling at me saying I didn’t work hard enough and that it was “horrible for him” when he doesn’t do my job everyday and as his position as chef he asked for help when I’m not allowed to because we don’t have enough people. As soon as he’s done he just strolls over to his computer at his chef desk and that’s it. Am I a lazy worker?

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