
Got fired for wanting to protect my mom, who has cancer, from covid

I just got to my parents' house and am just sitting in my car right now (well, OK, I walked in half way through this, lol). Today, I just got fired from an account administrator job I've been working nearly 8 years because I need to protect my mother from covid. I was just about a few blocks from work when my phone started vibrating like crazy. Got into the parking lot, turned it on, and was hoping that it wasn't the bad news since my mom's mornings have been getting more and more rough. Instead, it was one of my coworkers messaging me. On Sunday, one of my other coworkers tested positive. She was able to get yesterday off, but suddenly another coworker is telling me to not come into the building because my boss was forcing her to work. I message her back to get some more details…

I just got to my parents' house and am just sitting in my car right now (well, OK, I walked in half way through this, lol). Today, I just got fired from an account administrator job I've been working nearly 8 years because I need to protect my mother from covid.

I was just about a few blocks from work when my phone started vibrating like crazy. Got into the parking lot, turned it on, and was hoping that it wasn't the bad news since my mom's mornings have been getting more and more rough. Instead, it was one of my coworkers messaging me. On Sunday, one of my other coworkers tested positive. She was able to get yesterday off, but suddenly another coworker is telling me to not come into the building because my boss was forcing her to work. I message her back to get some more details and thank her.

From there, I call up my boss and ask him what is going on. He then proceeds to confirm that the gal is at work and that he “needs' her there, which I can totally take on her load and do it often enough so there is no actual need. I tell him I can't work in the office then, and he starts lecturing me about masks and vaccines. I tell him that they aren't a guarantee and I can't take the risk because I care for my mother. There's shouting back and forth and he finally tells me to walk in, grab my stuff, and never come back. I just told him he can keep it all and now I'm in my parents' driveway writing this.

I absolutely need to protect my mother. My sister and I are pretty much her 24/7 nurses. She has pancreatic cancer and her care has consumed us this past month and a half. Basically, my mother has a tube in her belly that drains her bile and other gunk into a bag. She ended up with severe jaundice from the cancer closing up her bile duct and this was the only option. It is nasty and needs to be emptied twice a day plus constantly cleaned because it leaks really bad. Not only that, but we need to be there to help manage her pain, get her the things she needs, and be at the ready to call 911 if something happens. At night, my sister and I tag team, getting only 4 hours of sleep each.

When all this started, I thought my boss was going to be understanding. He told me he'd do anything to help me with my mom. I've even taken a little over a week off in the past two months because of my mother being rushed to the ER. Instead, I guess that promise was a lie and this was the line in the sand. My coworker infecting the office is more important than people who can die from this virus. I'm also mad that my coworker even went in and that others, so far, aren't protesting this. But this virus has shown me that profits and paychecks are far more important than people's lives. Just more proof you were never “essential”, and that you and your family are expendable.

I'm scared of what is going to happen next. To top everything off, this is the first time I've been unemployed since I've transitioned. I'm trans and so that means finding work is going to be at least 10x harder. All the laws on the books don't mean anything if everything is done in secret. An employer can take one look at me and make the decision to not hire me because I'm trans, and there is nothing I can do because I probably can't prove that was the reason. I see enough stories like that often. And what's worse, is that my boss's parting words were transphobic (“you're not a real woman”), saying he was just keeping me there because his wife, who also works there, wouldn't let me be fired. So now he has another excuse to fire me and took it.

I've got enough money to last me until the end of my lease in August. I'll sell some stuff to push it further, but that's it. I was already making plans to move in with my father after my mom passed, which will be soon. Even before being fired, I was barely scraping by myself. I could afford an apartment on my own, but I'm barely hanging by a thread. It's been a house of cards, really, with me inching closer to getting a roommate. So, at the age of 36 I'll be moving back in with my parents. Again. For the fourth time in my life. Because things just can't work out. What's worse is that my dad is being buried in medical bills, so I'm going to be a bit of a burden. I'll have to do some independent stuff until I find stable work again. Unemployment will definitely be my priority and hopefully it doesn't end before I find work again…

So yeah, rant over. I'm going to lay down in the guest bedroom, sleep, then I guess take over for my sister since I'll be able to be here for the whole night. Though i'm sure she'll fight me since she is that type of person, lol. That, and her job is WFA with very flexible hours, so it isn't as hard on her like it has been for me.

I doubt that there is anything legal I can do about all this. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. But I've not heard of anyone taking anyone to court over covid yet. Remember, Tyson Foods hasn't even gotten a slap on the wrist for betting on employees getting sick and altering legal documents, that's how little the government cares. Probably can't even do anything about the transphobic comments. I hate this. I hate that there is nothing in place to protect people. The CEO is king and the serfs need to bow at their feet and be thankful they work the lands they own and get bones to gnaw as a reward. And if my boss dares call me back, I'm not coming back without a big 'ol rise, especially since I know I'm being paid less than another coworker. But I'll probably be back to shoveling human shit out of a Wal-Mart bathroom sink with my bare hands again. Yup, that was totally illegal thing I did before I got this job. I've been desperate before, that's nothing new.

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