
Am I just stupid?

I don't understand it. I don't understand why we have to provide work for monetary benefit just to pay to exist. I don't understand why working One Single Job is not enough, I am instead supposed to monetize my off time, the time that is my right? I don't understand it. I don't understand why it's not enough to work hard, put all your effort in, and still only be paid not enough to feed my family. What kind of world is this, where I teach children all day long about history but I can't afford to get to work because I lost my vehicle. Uber for the 2 miles to work is $8, one way. Plus tip, that's 20 bucks a day. A hundred dollars to round trip 4 miles. What kind of world is this? I don't understand it. I can't even ask to work remotely. No, I…

I don't understand it.

I don't understand why we have to provide work for monetary benefit just to pay to exist. I don't understand why working One Single Job is not enough, I am instead supposed to monetize my off time, the time that is my right?

I don't understand it. I don't understand why it's not enough to work hard, put all your effort in, and still only be paid not enough to feed my family. What kind of world is this, where I teach children all day long about history but I can't afford to get to work because I lost my vehicle. Uber for the 2 miles to work is $8, one way. Plus tip, that's 20 bucks a day.

A hundred dollars to round trip 4 miles. What kind of world is this? I don't understand it.

I can't even ask to work remotely. No, I must Apply for a job, remotely. It is not enough that I have 4 years of education and 4 years experience and am in crisis.

It's not enough that my wife doesn't work, she instead does the entirety of the domestic labor, as well as homeschooling the children, as is our right. It's not enough that we choose to explain over and over that this choice is a conscious choice, that we had our children consciously and deliberately, that we want to spend our time with them, even when they are annoying or too much.

I don't understand it. I don't understand why we are all being forced to work. Some of the labor is inescapable, but what is this nightmare we live in now? How is it possible that we have not learned, not understood, that work is not the sole point of existence?

Am I stupid? What is wrong here? I don't understand it.

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