
Am I overreacting? Raises promised and rescinded

I was given a promotion to supervisor at my manual labor type job. But first they put me on a two month probationary period, where I would only be supervising on the other supervisors nights off (tho I’ve been doing it for months already) . I was promised “about 17/hr” for this, which I was elated for because starting supervisor rate is 16/hr. Yesterday my manager came up to me and told me they would only pay 15.50 for supervising, and when I asked if there was a reason to start me below the regular rate, he said he’ll just take the position away if I don’t take it. Am I overreacting? I have a meeting with my manager’s managers today about this, and they hadn’t heard about this pay decrease at all, and I’m already a month into this probation. I’m thinking I will just walk out if they…

I was given a promotion to supervisor at my manual labor type job. But first they put me on a two month probationary period, where I would only be supervising on the other supervisors nights off (tho I’ve been doing it for months already) . I was promised “about 17/hr” for this, which I was elated for because starting supervisor rate is 16/hr. Yesterday my manager came up to me and told me they would only pay 15.50 for supervising, and when I asked if there was a reason to start me below the regular rate, he said he’ll just take the position away if I don’t take it. Am I overreacting? I have a meeting with my manager’s managers today about this, and they hadn’t heard about this pay decrease at all, and I’m already a month into this probation. I’m thinking I will just walk out if they can’t give me the respect of a starting pay they’ve given everyone else.
This is a major chain corporation btw

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