
Am I Supposed To Be Happy?

Congratulations for working 50 hours a week over and over, doing hard manual labor to the point where your bones ache and your muscles are sore. The warehouse gets insanely hot but production never stops, get back out there wage slave while I sit in my air conditioned office and talk about baseball with my loved ones!!! And what do we get for all of this hard work that keeps the world running? ONE FUCKING DAY, LABOR DAY. We get ONE day of recognition. ONE.

Congratulations for working 50 hours a week over and over, doing hard manual labor to the point where your bones ache and your muscles are sore. The warehouse gets insanely hot but production never stops, get back out there wage slave while I sit in my air conditioned office and talk about baseball with my loved ones!!!

And what do we get for all of this hard work that keeps the world running? ONE FUCKING DAY, LABOR DAY. We get ONE day of recognition. ONE.

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