
Am I supposed to care about my job?

So I started my first job around 4 months ago. Tbh I don’t really know my passion yet and I’m still trying to figure it out really. I went to two top universities and have a masters degree and tbh this job has nothing to do with what I studied. I feel like I’ve failed myself in just pursuing the first job that said yes. There’s nothing wrong w the job or the company but I honestly just don’t care. When they’re talking about targets, feedback and growth of the company, I feel so detached and unexcited. I don’t care about being good at my job, I just want a salary at this point. But am I doing myself a disservice? I just think maybe I’m not a career-driven person. I have a lot of hobbies outside of work and I put my effort and value into those more than…

So I started my first job around 4 months ago. Tbh I don’t really know my passion yet and I’m still trying to figure it out really. I went to two top universities and have a masters degree and tbh this job has nothing to do with what I studied. I feel like I’ve failed myself in just pursuing the first job that said yes. There’s nothing wrong w the job or the company but I honestly just don’t care. When they’re talking about targets, feedback and growth of the company, I feel so detached and unexcited. I don’t care about being good at my job, I just want a salary at this point. But am I doing myself a disservice? I just think maybe I’m not a career-driven person. I have a lot of hobbies outside of work and I put my effort and value into those more than work. Idk if it’s the job or if I’m just not the type of person to put my all into working. I just don’t really get the concept of bending over backwards for a job or company. I feel very demotivated and disillusioned. I feel like my manager is getting frustrated with me bc she’s super proactive and success orientated, that my laid back “do my work and nothing more“ attitude annoys her. I’m also super introverted so I tend to avoid interaction if I don’t absolutely need to speak to someone. Do I just need to find a career I love or am I just not motivated career wise ?

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