
Am I the asshole

Hello. Just a few details for background before I get into the current situation. I am a disabled veteran, I've complex PTS, I had a bout of suicidal ideation the last few years, I'm also autistic. In April 2022 there was a situation that arised at work where someone found me to be condescending. Due to multiple situations with my employer not supporting me sometimes these things happen. We are all human. I took all the coaching and feedback and implemented it immediately to make a difference in my interactions at work. In April my director called me an embarrassment to the department into the company. I've been with the same company for 5 years now. They refused to promote me.. They expect me to do anything and everything to bend over backwards. In April they told me to stop doing anything above and beyond then beyond and I just…

Hello. Just a few details for background before I get into the current situation. I am a disabled veteran, I've complex PTS, I had a bout of suicidal ideation the last few years, I'm also autistic.

In April 2022 there was a situation that arised at work where someone found me to be condescending. Due to multiple situations with my employer not supporting me sometimes these things happen. We are all human. I took all the coaching and feedback and implemented it immediately to make a difference in my interactions at work.

In April my director called me an embarrassment to the department into the company. I've been with the same company for 5 years now. They refused to promote me.. They expect me to do anything and everything to bend over backwards. In April they told me to stop doing anything above and beyond then beyond and I just do my entry level job entry level job. So I did and I have been for months.

Yesterday they asked me to do more and I said well what do you mean I do everything you ask me to you asked me to do you've just asked me not to go above and beyond what do you really want for me. They had no answers.

I work in IT and they are asking me to do things that are completely out of my job description my job description after just 6 months ago telling me not to do anything other than an entry level employee. Contradictionary much. I'll do more once you pay me more and give me a title change.

Yesterday my director denied that he ever called me an embarrassment. Saying that I started spreading slander and lies. I don't lie there's no point the truth always comes out.I ended up talking to HR and the senior VP for my department.

They agree with the way that I was treated. They believe that it is my responsibility to rebuild a relationship with my director. Human resources and VP did state that they have been asking me to do things that are outside of my responsibility and that I will not be asked to do those again. I don't understand how human resources can put it back on me when the director is attacking me

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