
Am I the only one in his thirties who feels completely lost, defeated, and desperate?

Hi guys, a little bit of a rant over here: I don't have any health problems, I'm not homeless, I got a tiny little bit of cash saved (25 000)…but that's it. Life is so incredibly expensive that any setback could mean homelessness for me, my wage is miserable as an Italian (if there are other Italians on this subreddit, they'll tell you how it is, it's bad), my parents can't help me as they're just as broke as I am. Also I just broke up with my girlfriend at 33, and I feel so alone… It feels like I have nothing, that working is useless, that I'm not building anything, AND I won't inherit anything. The worst thing about it is that, living in Europe, having degrees doesn't boost your income that much, which is the case I'm in. I know I know, we got a much better social…

Hi guys, a little bit of a rant over here:

I don't have any health problems, I'm not homeless, I got a tiny little bit of cash saved (25 000)…but that's it.

Life is so incredibly expensive that any setback could mean homelessness for me, my wage is miserable as an Italian (if there are other Italians on this subreddit, they'll tell you how it is, it's bad), my parents can't help me as they're just as broke as I am. Also I just broke up with my girlfriend at 33, and I feel so alone…

It feels like I have nothing, that working is useless, that I'm not building anything, AND I won't inherit anything.

The worst thing about it is that, living in Europe, having degrees doesn't boost your income that much, which is the case I'm in. I know I know, we got a much better social security system, and that goes a long way for sure, but the rest? Whew…

This sucks so much, I feel empty, I feel like the world is out of reach, like I can't savor the taste of life.

Last day I was talking to a friend who was complaining about having a hard time keeping jobs because of a disability, which means he was fucked…except his dad is worth 2.3 million euros (which makes him a one percenter in Italy as an individual, although I know it's really not a lot in America, but again, where I live, it's huge ), so no matter what he does, he and his sister will be safe for life as long as they're not dumb, which they definitely aren't. With this kind of inheritance, if you're careful, you're set for life in Italy: you can buy several nice houses or appartments in beautiful provincial cities, rent them, and voila.

tldr: I have no time for myself, no money, I feel like a zombie without opportunities, my parents are poor so there's nothing they can do about it, and I'm stuck. I'd like to travel, to experience things, but I can't…
I'm really starting to get depressed and wonder why I live, why go through so much trouble if life is this joyless?
Fuck all of this, I'm so miserable.

Sorry for the pathetic rant, I'm tired guys, like, really really tired…being a young man who has 50-60 years in front of him and YET being so desperate and tired, is such a terrible thing too.

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