
Am I The Only One Who Despises Group Interviews?

There is nothing more unappealing to me than seeing an invite or email to a group interview. At one point in my life I could understand why some companies prefer them over individual interviews, but now I just think they're unnecessary. You don't get to speak to your candidates one on one and you're basing it mostly off of how they interact with one another. Works out if you're incredibly friendly and good at socializing, or just faking it. But if you have no skills to back up your words they won't know that. It just feels lazy when companies would rather shove 20 people in a room to talk to them all “at once” rather than talk to someone one on one and just see how they interact with you at that time. Anyways, small rant over.

There is nothing more unappealing to me than seeing an invite or email to a group interview.

At one point in my life I could understand why some companies prefer them over individual interviews, but now I just think they're unnecessary. You don't get to speak to your candidates one on one and you're basing it mostly off of how they interact with one another.

Works out if you're incredibly friendly and good at socializing, or just faking it. But if you have no skills to back up your words they won't know that.

It just feels lazy when companies would rather shove 20 people in a room to talk to them all “at once” rather than talk to someone one on one and just see how they interact with you at that time.

Anyways, small rant over.

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