
Am I the problem?

I started this awesome job in March making double what I made last year. I just hit my 90 days and I realized my boss is a little insane. I pulled a report and of the 30 line items, one line item was not up to date and I didn’t catch it. Pissed. I was to conduct a meeting to plan how to spend more of our project budget with certain accounts; no one showed up. However my boss did. She was pissed. One of our tools is super complex, not user friendly and I don’t use it regularly; I did attend a training and she expects me to be an expert with this tool. I couldn’t figure out how to pull in a certain field. She was pissed and I get a performance concern email, clearly a paper trail for HR. She has cussed at me and told me…

I started this awesome job in March making double what I made last year. I just hit my 90 days and I realized my boss is a little insane. I pulled a report and of the 30 line items, one line item was not up to date and I didn’t catch it. Pissed.
I was to conduct a meeting to plan how to spend more of our project budget with certain accounts; no one showed up. However my boss did. She was pissed.
One of our tools is super complex, not user friendly and I don’t use it regularly; I did attend a training and she expects me to be an expert with this tool. I couldn’t figure out how to pull in a certain field. She was pissed and I get a performance concern email, clearly a paper trail for HR. She has cussed at me and told me I’m ruining her reputation.

I love the company, it’s (supposedly) one of the best places to work. I enjoy what I do, for the most part. I did tell her I suffer from depression, anxiety and adhd and that I have been on three different medications in the past three months, trying to find the best mix. Right now I feel like my head has been the clearest it’s been for months. I’m at the point where I just want to stay for the money as I’m a millennial in debt, but at what cost.

I am not sure if I’m the problem. If not, what do I do?

All I want to really do is lay in the grass under a shady tree

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