
Am I wrong for emailing a resignation and leaving immediately after?

Long story short, I was laid off a couple months ago but am still collecting severance for the next few months. I absolutely loved my job that I got laid off from, but unfortunately it happens in my field. I started a new job a few days after the official layoff that I thought I would enjoy, but I ended up hating it. It actually makes me not want to get up in the morning. I’m not too worried about losing pay since I still have my severance, though I will miss the double income. I was so unhappy I actually took the last 2 weeks off with PTO just to relax and decompress. Am I wrong to show up on Monday to collect my things, email out my resignation, leave my equipment at my desk, and bounce? I just don’t want to deal with the questions and guilt tripping.…

Long story short, I was laid off a couple months ago but am still collecting severance for the next few months. I absolutely loved my job that I got laid off from, but unfortunately it happens in my field.

I started a new job a few days after the official layoff that I thought I would enjoy, but I ended up hating it. It actually makes me not want to get up in the morning. I’m not too worried about losing pay since I still have my severance, though I will miss the double income. I was so unhappy I actually took the last 2 weeks off with PTO just to relax and decompress. Am I wrong to show up on Monday to collect my things, email out my resignation, leave my equipment at my desk, and bounce? I just don’t want to deal with the questions and guilt tripping. I’m also afraid I’ll get called back in to sign some HR documents or whatever, but idk cause I’ve never quit a job same day before. I just know for a fact it isn’t a good fit for me.

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