

I'm an American. I'm white. I support freedom and equality and good health to all human persons. and recently I learned that I basically live in the last place someone of my values should be living. The system by which we are governed is rigged against anyone who doesn't possess an appropriate amount of power coupons. Our elections are a sham, those who claim to fight for democracy only care about their democratic ability to capture and maintain wealth. Those who claim to fight for hierarchy and order only care about the subjugation of those who can provide that same return on value. We are not the land of the free, when in order to even Smell freedom, one must first give over their lives to toil, to Work, to the J.O.B. many people have bullshitted themselves into thinking that destroying their bodies and sacrificing the precious time they have…

I'm an American. I'm white. I support freedom and equality and good health to all human persons. and recently I learned that I basically live in the last place someone of my values should be living. The system by which we are governed is rigged against anyone who doesn't possess an appropriate amount of power coupons. Our elections are a sham, those who claim to fight for democracy only care about their democratic ability to capture and maintain wealth. Those who claim to fight for hierarchy and order only care about the subjugation of those who can provide that same return on value. We are not the land of the free, when in order to even Smell freedom, one must first give over their lives to toil, to Work, to the J.O.B. many people have bullshitted themselves into thinking that destroying their bodies and sacrificing the precious time they have here are virtuous, “I put in 37 year at the “job” for what I have!! Why should you be any different??” Because we shouldn't have to!, YOU shouldn't have had to!!. Nobody should. Our population is massive, we could cut the amount of hourly labor in half and still make the quotas, but we won't! Because those who could change the way things operate will not change themselves. I'm so sick of watching my country grind itself into powder and see less and less in return for the effort. while those that demand us to work the grindstone to survive, roll back, or reinterpret the laws and rights and regulations that we all live by, for simple political points, for clout, for selfish ambition!, Meanwhile hurting those same people and thinking and feeling completely justified for doing so!, The patients, or maybe the servile attitude that my fellow Americans have towards this outright bullshit way of life we are forced to endure is astounding. Those that have the means at hand to provide for everyone's needs simply will not unless forced to, yet no one will sacrifice a single vacation day, or sick day, to the extent their job allows such things, in order to make it happen. The majority of the American workers have created wealth for the minority of us the likes of which DWARFS the obscene wealth of kingdoms of old. Yet those people who have amassed these obscene fortunes do not see fit of their own will to provide access to basic amenities, such as healthcare for those workers benefit. America, the richest country that has ever been, has the largest homeless, destitute, and poor population that would rival that of even medieval Europe. It's sick, it's not like we don't have the money!!

This population has a very rare opportunity to do things better. we have, in my opinion, the best resource to facilitate the much needed change, I'm using it to write this, you are using it to read this. We can organize, we can change the landscape of our country and the rules we live by, we can do better goddamn it!!

Thank you for reading. I love you. Drink some water please.

Edit: second guessing: if this doesn't belong here I apologize, the human rights violation in the form of overturning Roe got me fired up, feel free to remove this is need be, thank you.

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