I swear this makes no sense whatsoever.
Service workers are subject to rude customers by being forced to provide “great customer service” and it’s even worse when the place you work at thinks the “customer is always right.” And God forbid if you defend yourself against these people.
Also, companies either pay their workers the bare, bare minimum or they’ll pay you $2 an hour and you better pray that people leave a tip.
And then they wonder why people don’t “want to work.”
I really wonder why, too. Like why wouldn’t people want to work for abusive companies and put up with rude customers? How dare people leave the service industry for other well-paying fields that don’t treat them like absolute dogshit? How dare they?!
Like I said earlier, Americans hate service workers until they find out their local restaurant is closed because they can’t find people to put up with abusive conditions and equally abhorrent customers.