
An anti-capitalist idea that will never be realized.

I understand a “pure” stance can never happen on any end of the spectrum. However, I got into an argument with my friend how a more communistic approach would benefit everyone just on occupation. I argued that a doctor and a janitor should make the same money, he argued why would someone educate to become a doctor to make the same as a janitor. Would there not then be a pride then in your job, instead of just monetary gain that has been removed? I know I’d rather have the respect of the populist, but also allow someone who is getting in the muck to live on my same level.

I understand a “pure” stance can never happen on any end of the spectrum. However, I got into an argument with my friend how a more communistic approach would benefit everyone just on occupation. I argued that a doctor and a janitor should make the same money, he argued why would someone educate to become a doctor to make the same as a janitor. Would there not then be a pride then in your job, instead of just monetary gain that has been removed? I know I’d rather have the respect of the populist, but also allow someone who is getting in the muck to live on my same level.

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