
An interesting opinion

So today I was on my lunch break and me and a colleague were discussing how it's good to always ask for a salary bandwidth. During our conversation another older colleague sat next to us and asked “So how do you go about doing so?” To which I replied I just ask them after me and a potential employer discuss the job opening. “And what if they refuse to discuss it during the initial meeting?” I told him I'd thank them for their time, leave or hang up and keep looking and that if the pay was too low I'd do the same. To which the colleague gave an interesting response: “I know this is old fashioned but I just worked for a below market wage because I could work at one of the top 5 firms in the country and it would look good on my resume.” To which…

So today I was on my lunch break and me and a colleague were discussing how it's good to always ask for a salary bandwidth.

During our conversation another older colleague sat next to us and asked “So how do you go about doing so?”

To which I replied I just ask them after me and a potential employer discuss the job opening.

“And what if they refuse to discuss it during the initial meeting?”

I told him I'd thank them for their time, leave or hang up and keep looking and that if the pay was too low I'd do the same.

To which the colleague gave an interesting response:

“I know this is old fashioned but I just worked for a below market wage because I could work at one of the top 5 firms in the country and it would look good on my resume.”

To which I replied but that's a bit strange don't you agree? Top 5 in the country yet you're getting underpaid?“ I'd rather work for a small company and make a living fair wage.”

To which he finally replied “Yeah sometimes you have to make sacrifices”.


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