
an unpleasant couple of days

I'm writing this to see if I'm in the wrong and how I could've done better So a few days ago I started feeling sick, took some medicine and waited to see if i felt better, but nearing the end of the day i wasn't feeling much better. I called my manager and told them i wouldn't be able to go to my shift the next day, they said I should've notified it earlier but thanks for the heads up anyway (i didn't call earlier because i didn't want to call off because of a “false alarm” so i decided to wait it out). Next day rolls along, honestly I don't feel horrible by this point but I'm sure I'm sick and do an at home covid test, but it came out negative. Not much later, I get a call from another supervisor asking if I'd be able to make…

I'm writing this to see if I'm in the wrong and how I could've done better

So a few days ago I started feeling sick, took some medicine and waited to see if i felt better, but nearing the end of the day i wasn't feeling much better. I called my manager and told them i wouldn't be able to go to my shift the next day, they said I should've notified it earlier but thanks for the heads up anyway (i didn't call earlier because i didn't want to call off because of a “false alarm” so i decided to wait it out). Next day rolls along, honestly I don't feel horrible by this point but I'm sure I'm sick and do an at home covid test, but it came out negative.

Not much later, I get a call from another supervisor asking if I'd be able to make it to the next shift (next day). I told them to give me an hour to mull it over, because if I'm not too sick, I'd rather work since i barely have sick days accumulated apparently. I'm hesitant to go at this point because though I had a negative result, many family members have gotten covid this week and though i never really see them, they still live in my same street so it's not like we're ever that far away. I decided to trust my gut, I called my supervisor and told them i wasn't going, that I'd rather use my few sick hours instead. I thought everything was okay on that front.

3-4 hours later, my manager (first one i mentioned) is asking me when I'll see my doctor. I tell them I have to wait for Monday for the clinic to open up, otherwise I have to pay for the doctor's visit out of pocket (not the best since I've already lost 2 work days, and it's not like I make a ton considering the responsibilities that come with the job). They tell me that if I don't show up for my shift the next day that I'm going to get written up a memo. I discuss this with them, pointing out how unfair it is for me (and though i didn't bring this up, considering how many last minute shifts I've covered and that I barely ever call out sick, so far this year because of horrible cramps and another day I got food poisoning, so 2 days in total) and they go on a rant about my horrible attitude, that I'm being incredibly rude because they're not a “tyrant, evil or unfair”, etc, etc. At this point, i reply to my own message and point out that I never questioned their character or integrity, nor did i resort to defaming them as a person, in fact, everything I wrote is solely about my situation and how trapped I am at that moment considering I don't have a way to see my clinic before my next scheduled shift and if I had been told about this 5 hours before, i could've handled the situation easier (kicker is that i would've been out 2 days at most by this point, they claimed i had to have it by the second but I was notified by my friend that knows about local labor laws that it's actually 3 days minimum). Regardless, despite the hour, I get into contact with a doctor to check me out and give me a medical order, which I immediately send.

My manager takes 4 hours to answer (to any of my messages) and starts out by trying to explain how the memo process isn't a big deal and that it's not them, it's a company policy issue (why they didn't try starting out with that instead of threatening to issue a memo if i didn't show up for the next shift, idk). They asked if I'd be back on Sunday, I told them I'd be back on Sunday since my medical letter didn't include a date to rest / come back, so basically only valid for a single day.

An hour ago (almost 2?) I decided to retry the at home test, only this time I came out positive. I told the manager the result and that I'd be getting the official test done tomorrow. Now I'm just wondering, if I had gone an to sleep instead, I would've gone in to work with covid and I would've likely spread it to more people throughout my 8 hour shift. I told my manager time and time again I was sick and only feeling worse, not once did they listen and now they have to scramble to find someone to close up shop, which would've been easier if they actually listened to me earlier and found a replacement early in the day, instead they have to find someone else when it's already near midnight (or they might be waiting for my official test results, which i plan to get as soon as the lab opens up but if i do come out positive, that gives them around 2 hours to find someone else)

I'm still hoping that I don't have it, but considering I have vomit, diarrhea, sore throat, dry cough, my head feels like I have a band constricting it more and more and that I can see my walls breathing and spinning whenever I move, I'm kinda thinking it's likely that I have it.

I hope this was all at least slightly comprehensible, aside from English not being my first language, my head feels like it's about to pop so reading and writing comprehension might not be my forte rn. Anyway, any advice, insights or recommendations on this matter are heavily appreciated. Thank you to those that took out of their time to read

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