
And I Should Care About Your Bonus Because?

Inspiration for this post: I work at [enter generic tech company here]. While I won't call it a bad place to work, it actually has many perks, the supervisor of my department is….well. Nicest way to put it is he's constantly trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. My team has been asking for more people for months, and the only thing that has changed is the expectation that we do more. More tickets, more calls, more troubleshooting. Nothing has changed. They've been “working” on implementing new changes for almost a year. It stinks cause the company is actually pretty good, it's just my department's supervisor that's killing morale. This was a company I saw myself growing with. Now? I'm looking for different jobs and will hopefully be outta here in the next month or so. Way to ruin a good thing dude.

Inspiration for this post: I work at [enter generic tech company here]. While I won't call it a bad place to work, it actually has many perks, the supervisor of my department is….well.

Nicest way to put it is he's constantly trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. My team has been asking for more people for months, and the only thing that has changed is the expectation that we do more.

More tickets, more calls, more troubleshooting. Nothing has changed. They've been “working” on implementing new changes for almost a year. It stinks cause the company is actually pretty good, it's just my department's supervisor that's killing morale.

This was a company I saw myself growing with. Now? I'm looking for different jobs and will hopefully be outta here in the next month or so. Way to ruin a good thing dude.

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