
Anger in the workplace

DAE feel like intense angry reactions do not belong in a professional work setting? I’m talking about the boss who found out their employee made a mistake and berates them for it in the heat of the moment. I’m talking about the boss who just heard a proposal isn’t going their way and gets angry with the messenger, pounding their fist on the desk. I’m talking about the boss who is in an overall bad mood and snaps at his staff who have questions bc he can’t be bothered right now and has bigger things to deal with. I feel intense bouts of anger from superiors are inappropriate and a form of dysfunction in the workplace. Yet these are the same managers who got promoted because they “get things done”. The fear these colleagues instill make subordinates less inclined to ask questions/deviate from the request as not to suffer the…

DAE feel like intense angry reactions do not belong in a professional work setting?

I’m talking about the boss who found out their employee made a mistake and berates them for it in the heat of the moment.

I’m talking about the boss who just heard a proposal isn’t going their way and gets angry with the messenger, pounding their fist on the desk.

I’m talking about the boss who is in an overall bad mood and snaps at his staff who have questions bc he can’t be bothered right now and has bigger things to deal with.

I feel intense bouts of anger from superiors are inappropriate and a form of dysfunction in the workplace.

Yet these are the same managers who got promoted because they “get things done”.

The fear these colleagues instill make subordinates less inclined to ask questions/deviate from the request as not to suffer the wrath. So yeah I’ll bet it looks like everyone “respects” them or really “listens” to their instruction making them a priority.

And it’s bullshit. It is SUCH BULLSHIT.

I am tired of having to work under these types of people. And I’m tired of everyone feeling the same way but chalking it up to “that’s just how they are” like it’s a small price to pay since the person IS good at their job. The price you pay is other employees comfort level. The price you pay is work environment.

How can a person be considered for management level work if they could have an outburst when they hear something they don’t like? What kind of open door mentor relationship could even be cultivated under that type of stress?

I am tired of feeling anxiety when I need to bring a problem to my superior bc I need guidance and development.

Emotional intelligence NEEDS to be a thing in the workplace.

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