
Annual pay adjustment far below inflation. Effectively a way for my employer (and others) to cumulatively cut salaries.

Had my update re yearly pay adjustment and was informed that it was 3% increase / upwards adjustment. The rate of inflation for where I live for the 2021 – 2022 period is over 9%, but predicted to go as high as 12%, so this effectively amounts to a real life pay cut of at least 6% and with similar below inflation adjustments (or none at all) over the last several years. Totally done with them and want to leave, but feels like an insidious way to force people out without having to shell out for redundancy pay. This shouldn't be legal and should be deemed as a form of “constructive dismissal”. If I quit, do “they win”?

Had my update re yearly pay adjustment and was informed that it was 3% increase / upwards adjustment. The rate of inflation for where I live for the 2021 – 2022 period is over 9%, but predicted to go as high as 12%, so this effectively amounts to a real life pay cut of at least 6% and with similar below inflation adjustments (or none at all) over the last several years.

Totally done with them and want to leave, but feels like an insidious way to force people out without having to shell out for redundancy pay.

This shouldn't be legal and should be deemed as a form of “constructive dismissal”.

If I quit, do “they win”?

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