
antiwork cock block me…

An ex-girlfriend of mine texted to see how I was doing and if I wanted to meet up. I'm like, sure it's a good idea to get me a steady before monkey pox craps all over my single life. We meet up and she tells me she is the boss at some new place doing payroll and brags about how she can work anywhere just from her phone. I'm thinking whatever I could care less about being a boss over others, “wow congrats boss lady! ” She then goes on to talk about her underlings and how her the manager made everyone get back to the office… I couldn't hold it, “wow, you are one of those boss types? ” I'd need more than Viagra for this turn off. She right away detected my resenment, “well we made them but we knew they wanted to come back.” I'm like, yeah…

An ex-girlfriend of mine texted to see how I was doing and if I wanted to meet up. I'm like, sure it's a good idea to get me a steady before monkey pox craps all over my single life.

We meet up and she tells me she is the boss at some new place doing payroll and brags about how she can work anywhere just from her phone.

I'm thinking whatever I could care less about being a boss over others, “wow congrats boss lady! “

She then goes on to talk about her underlings and how her the manager made everyone get back to the office…

I couldn't hold it, “wow, you are one of those boss types? ” I'd need more than Viagra for this turn off.

She right away detected my resenment, “well we made them but we knew they wanted to come back.”

I'm like, yeah right gtfo… “did you actually ask them?”

She was now trying to walk it back but she wasn't going to straight up lie to me, “yeah but that's why we compromised on hybrid. They come into the office minimum two days a week. They enjoy it. “

I just kept eating my food, she could tell I did not like any of her reasoning. She then mentioned she noticed I have psoriasis on my hands in a few places and made some weird gross out face when I explained, then she abruptly ended our date.

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