
Any advice for getting my covid pay

So I worked at a FedEx during the pandemic. During my employment, I got covid, and had to be out of work for a week, which was supposed to be paid. I had cleared it with my supervisor, have the confirmation that I did have covid, and I was fired during my leave because of management not communicating (which is funny, because when I got hired back on, they gave me a lecture on clear communication) now it's been 4 months, and I've still not received my covid pay, after being wrongfully put out of a job for 3 weeks, and putting in multiple requests for my pay. Now the management is dodging my calls, or hanging up on me whenever they realize it's me. I think in Minnesota that you're able to sue for up to 10x what your employer stole/shorted from you, but I don't know if that…

So I worked at a FedEx during the pandemic. During my employment, I got covid, and had to be out of work for a week, which was supposed to be paid. I had cleared it with my supervisor, have the confirmation that I did have covid, and I was fired during my leave because of management not communicating (which is funny, because when I got hired back on, they gave me a lecture on clear communication) now it's been 4 months, and I've still not received my covid pay, after being wrongfully put out of a job for 3 weeks, and putting in multiple requests for my pay. Now the management is dodging my calls, or hanging up on me whenever they realize it's me. I think in Minnesota that you're able to sue for up to 10x what your employer stole/shorted from you, but I don't know if that applies to covid pay. Any advice?

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