
Anybody familiar with California Labor Code?

Not sure if this is the sun for this. For context, I filed a complaint with the California labor commissioner after my former company didn’t pay me in full for 25 days (it took 11 days to receive 2 days of back pay, and 25 days to receive all deductions that were incorrectly deducted from my final pay). The Labor Commissioner only put the first 11 days on the claim and my former company decided to pay the penalty a week before settlement conference. I received the check around the settlement conference time, so the conference was called off. I deposit the check and move on with my life, except I get notice from my bank that a Stop Payment was placed on the check. I contacted my former employer and the labor commissioner working my case. The labor commissioner didn’t seem to mind that a settlement check had a…

Not sure if this is the sun for this. For context, I filed a complaint with the California labor commissioner after my former company didn’t pay me in full for 25 days (it took 11 days to receive 2 days of back pay, and 25 days to receive all deductions that were incorrectly deducted from my final pay).

The Labor Commissioner only put the first 11 days on the claim and my former company decided to pay the penalty a week before settlement conference. I received the check around the settlement conference time, so the conference was called off.

I deposit the check and move on with my life, except I get notice from my bank that a Stop Payment was placed on the check. I contacted my former employer and the labor commissioner working my case. The labor commissioner didn’t seem to mind that a settlement check had a Stop Payment placed on it and ultimately did nothing because they were moving to correct it. Employer apologized and started the machinery of issuing a new check, which I didn’t receive for 12 days.

I deposited the check and within a week, the amount was removed from my account and a Stop Payment was placed on this check. That means the settlement money has been in my account for less than 2 weeks over the last 2 months.

Anybody aware or know what can be done? This just happened today and I’ve started the correspondence to get this corrected, but it has been stopped twice, seems likely to me it will be stopped a third time unless the labor commissioner slaps them with some kind of penalty for this.

I’ve checked what I could, but there is no section about what to do if your settlement check is stopped twice. Anybody have any advice or am I just at the mercy of an apathetic labor commissioner and an incompetent or malicious (not sure if it’s on purpose or they are just dumb, could be both) former employer?

Thanks all.

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