
Anyone addicted to “hustling”

This is something I’ve been discussing with my therapist recently so I’m curious if others have had this issue. I feel at times I’m really addicted to “hustling” and self improvement. I’ve worked multiple jobs pretty much my entire adult life (I’m 28 and female). I live in a super HCOL area and come from a lower class family that was terrible with money. I’m well educated but have been stuck in some jobs on the lower end of the pay scale, I was in social service investigation and am now looking to get certified so I will be working in finance investigation. I work an alright full time job but still have two side hustles. My husband says I’m just being ridiculous continuing to work side jobs. I honestly feel lazy if I’m not constantly working or improving myself (working out etc). I’m finding it very difficult to just…relax.…

This is something I’ve been discussing with my therapist recently so I’m curious if others have had this issue. I feel at times I’m really addicted to “hustling” and self improvement. I’ve worked multiple jobs pretty much my entire adult life (I’m 28 and female). I live in a super HCOL area and come from a lower class family that was terrible with money. I’m well educated but have been stuck in some jobs on the lower end of the pay scale, I was in social service investigation and am now looking to get certified so I will be working in finance investigation. I work an alright full time job but still have two side hustles. My husband says I’m just being ridiculous continuing to work side jobs.

I honestly feel lazy if I’m not constantly working or improving myself (working out etc). I’m finding it very difficult to just…relax. I honestly wonder if I’ve been using the “hustle” mentality to avoid issues in my life. I struggle with feeling like I’m not good enough so always trying for self improvement is a way I’ve probably tried to combat that, albeit subconsciously.

Anyone else feel this related to them?

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