
Anyone else feel like the current mental health crisis going is largely caused by capitalism?

Record low value for our labor and record profits for companies + high cost of living that isn't in line with what people actually make; it isn't realistic anymore to continue like this. The ultimate ending for this is any job that isn't taken over by robots is going to wind up too expensive to actually work. I see so many job offerings and positions that fail to get filled because the pay is just way too low. All these jobs that are so essential to our society functioning are paid starvation wages so nobody goes to work them anymore. I know money can't buy happiness, but I feel like if we could all live comfortably and meet our basic needs without working ourselves to death then the whole world would be a significantly brighter place. At this point things are feeling hopeless, at best I feel like I'm going…

Record low value for our labor and record profits for companies + high cost of living that isn't in line with what people actually make; it isn't realistic anymore to continue like this.

The ultimate ending for this is any job that isn't taken over by robots is going to wind up too expensive to actually work. I see so many job offerings and positions that fail to get filled because the pay is just way too low. All these jobs that are so essential to our society functioning are paid starvation wages so nobody goes to work them anymore.

I know money can't buy happiness, but I feel like if we could all live comfortably and meet our basic needs without working ourselves to death then the whole world would be a significantly brighter place.

At this point things are feeling hopeless, at best I feel like I'm going to be forever stuck living poor on all sorts of financial aid; and these systems are set up entirely to keep you poor. Making just ever so slightly above a certain threshold? There goes your medical insurance, food stamps, etc.

I hate it here.

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