
Anyone else feel like they change jobs a lot?

For the past 4-5 years, I’ve changed jobs almost every year, give or take. I give my jobs a chance, I stay for a year or more, but I always end up getting the short end of the stick. I get passed over for a raise. I got handed a bunch of new/extra work that isn’t in my job description without any additional money. My department gets passed over for a bonus that the rest of the company is getting AND we’re only due to get a 2% raise this year (thanks for the pay cut, inflation is 9%). I hate having to switch jobs so often. I want to find a job that doesn’t pay poverty wages, gives decent raises, and where the work isn’t completely back breaking and miserable. I guess I gotta keep on looking, because I’m NOT gonna settle. You screw me over, I leave. Because…

For the past 4-5 years, I’ve changed jobs almost every year, give or take. I give my jobs a chance, I stay for a year or more, but I always end up getting the short end of the stick. I get passed over for a raise. I got handed a bunch of new/extra work that isn’t in my job description without any additional money. My department gets passed over for a bonus that the rest of the company is getting AND we’re only due to get a 2% raise this year (thanks for the pay cut, inflation is 9%).

I hate having to switch jobs so often. I want to find a job that doesn’t pay poverty wages, gives decent raises, and where the work isn’t completely back breaking and miserable. I guess I gotta keep on looking, because I’m NOT gonna settle. You screw me over, I leave. Because I’m a damn good employee and anyone I work for is lucky to have me.

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