
Anyone else find 2 days off at the weekend too short?

In the UK we have just had a bank holiday Monday and it's the first time in a long time that I've actually felt recovered from a weekend with enough energy to do something for myself on the extra day off. Usually, I just spend the weekend sat on my arse, and don't even have the will to do the most basic things like food shop or visit family. I feel like each week I am drained 5 soul points, and can recover 2 on the weekend. I definitely could be more productive in 4 days of work than 5. There is a days worth of dilly-dallying each week which just feels demotivating and further sinks productivity. Some companies in the UK are trialing a 4-day week with no drop in pay. I am really hoping the results show it is possible to maintain productivity and if so, more employers…

In the UK we have just had a bank holiday Monday and it's the first time in a long time that I've actually felt recovered from a weekend with enough energy to do something for myself on the extra day off.

Usually, I just spend the weekend sat on my arse, and don't even have the will to do the most basic things like food shop or visit family.

I feel like each week I am drained 5 soul points, and can recover 2 on the weekend. I definitely could be more productive in 4 days of work than 5. There is a days worth of dilly-dallying each week which just feels demotivating and further sinks productivity.

Some companies in the UK are trialing a 4-day week with no drop in pay. I am really hoping the results show it is possible to maintain productivity and if so, more employers are willing to adopt the structure.

I am however awaiting for the BS headlines on how employees “benefit” from working 5-days a week…

I thankfully already work from home so at least I have that going for me (humble brag) but in future if finances allow, I will be asking for a reduction in my contracted hours.

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