
Anyone else get denied a job for nonsensical reason?

I’ve been job hunting for the last few weeks and had several interviews. Anytime I’m not chosen after an interview I like to ask for a specific reason I was denied so I can incorporate that into being more successful with other interviews. Some of the reasons I’ve received have almost made me wonder if these departments are even hiring. Some of my favorite reasons so far have been: While interviewing for a department that I was referred to via a friend (who said they’ve been chronically understaffed for roughly a year), the interviewer said on one question I forgot to use the STAR method. That’s right, regardless of the contents of my answer lmao. Another time I was on my second interview and was rejected. After reaching out via email they told me I didn’t bring my resume and a pen and therefore denied me. Funnily enough they had…

I’ve been job hunting for the last few weeks and had several interviews. Anytime I’m not chosen after an interview I like to ask for a specific reason I was denied so I can incorporate that into being more successful with other interviews.

Some of the reasons I’ve received have almost made me wonder if these departments are even hiring.

Some of my favorite reasons so far have been:

While interviewing for a department that I was referred to via a friend (who said they’ve been chronically understaffed for roughly a year), the interviewer said on one question I forgot to use the STAR method. That’s right, regardless of the contents of my answer lmao.

Another time I was on my second interview and was rejected. After reaching out via email they told me I didn’t bring my resume and a pen and therefore denied me. Funnily enough they had my resume via my job application and didn’t tell me to bring a pen.

Anyone else have funny or ridiculous reasons for getting turned down?

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