
Anyone Else Have a Daily Stand Up Meeting and Hate It?

I don't care what others are doing, what I'm doing today is probably what I'm doing yesterday, and I don't need to be micromanaged like a 1st grader. It's a waste of time. Interested to hear if anyone else has a daily stand up meeting, how they feel about it, and what they do to make it suck less. (For anyone who doesn't know, a daily stand up is a meeting with your team, typically around 10 people, and you go one by one about what you did yesterday, what you're doing today, and if you have any “blockers”)

I don't care what others are doing, what I'm doing today is probably what I'm doing yesterday, and I don't need to be micromanaged like a 1st grader. It's a waste of time.

Interested to hear if anyone else has a daily stand up meeting, how they feel about it, and what they do to make it suck less.

(For anyone who doesn't know, a daily stand up is a meeting with your team, typically around 10 people, and you go one by one about what you did yesterday, what you're doing today, and if you have any “blockers”)

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