I have a really cushy job – 3rd shift IT support for government employees. I am in no means complaining about the work I do, and getting paid nearly $20 an hour is enough to be a living wage where I live (although not enough to save for retirement, but that's another discussion).
However, one thing I've noticed is that there have been several times in this company where I suggest some change to the structure of the company that would be beneficial, and the higher ups look at me in silence and just kind of acknowledge my suggestion.
Fast forward like 3 months and all my suggestions are fully implemented, along with long-winded emails sent to everyone boasting about how much this will improve productivity.
Meanwhile, here I am, not a single acknowledgement as I continue plowing the fields for my lord.
Some additional info. I'm one of if not the most highly performing employee at the company. My supervisor contantly reminds me of how exceptional my work is on a constant basis, and I am now being used to train my coworkers and give advice on how to be as productive as I am.
Despite this, I'm more or less locked into a constant raise each year of 2%. That's the cap. I have unprecidented performance across the board for their Merit Review to determine my raise (which can be from 0% to 2%).
However, since I'm being labeled as this amazing asset for the company, I am thinking of asking for a higher raise this year even though it goes against their “policy” for raise limits.
Another juicy tidbit. During one of my monthly performance reviews, the CEO of my company jumped into the virtual meeting to basically say hi unannounced. Of course I didn't have my camera on because I work from home and there's no need for the camera when talking with my supervisor, but regardless we had this super awkward small talk for like 15 minutes before he left. I started to get really nervous when he seemed to imply that working in the office might “improve morale”, but nothing has come of that yet thankfully.