
Anyone else having severe difficulty with unemployment benefits?

so I’ve been working since I was 14y/o (22f now) I applied to unemployment over two months ago after losing my job which I loved (as much as one possibly could in a capitalist world) almost 5 months ago… they have delayed this process as long as possible. I was randomly selected to have to do a phone interview. The woman I spoke with was sweet, I explained my situation and gave exact dates, wages, and other relevant information on the 1st. When I check online it says they have 10 days to make a decision. It’s is now 9pm on the 8th. I’ve gone through all the policy and in no way do I not qualify…. I feel like I’m going crazy because they are dragging their feet so badly for a program I qualify for and have been paying into for almost a decade.

so I’ve been working since I was 14y/o (22f now) I applied to unemployment over two months ago after losing my job which I loved (as much as one possibly could in a capitalist world) almost 5 months ago… they have delayed this process as long as possible. I was randomly selected to have to do a phone interview. The woman I spoke with was sweet, I explained my situation and gave exact dates, wages, and other relevant information on the 1st. When I check online it says they have 10 days to make a decision. It’s is now 9pm on the 8th. I’ve gone through all the policy and in no way do I not qualify…. I feel like I’m going crazy because they are dragging their feet so badly for a program I qualify for and have been paying into for almost a decade.

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