
Anyone else Loathe Customers?

I don't have to deal with them currently, but the vast majority of the jobs I have had made me have contact with them. From the moment the first one says hi I want my day to be over and done with. Every time one walks into the building I die a little bit more on the inside; I cannot stand being around anyone who is trying to buy something from a place I have a responsibility to sell it to them. Not all are horrible people, but the “ExCUSE MEEEEE!!” BS response when I tell them something they don't like. The Customer is never right because I fucking hate them so that is why they can never be right. I am always right.

I don't have to deal with them currently, but the vast majority of the jobs I have had made me have contact with them. From the moment the first one says hi I want my day to be over and done with. Every time one walks into the building I die a little bit more on the inside; I cannot stand being around anyone who is trying to buy something from a place I have a responsibility to sell it to them.

Not all are horrible people, but the “ExCUSE MEEEEE!!” BS response when I tell them something they don't like. The Customer is never right because I fucking hate them so that is why they can never be right. I am always right.

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