
anyone else naturally become their own boss due to the modern workplace environment we now live in?

Ever since high school I've held part time jobs and then getting into full time work after high school. Never did any college. I must have quit/been fired over 10 to 15 various low skill low paying jobs in my younger days. I then got into laboring in residential construction around the age of 21. This is when I saw a path as to make more money as the first ever “helper” position offered to me by a contractor was $14 and hour with zero experience. And when he interviewed me he stated, “so I can only pay you $14”. I was ecstatic, since the best I've ever earned previously was around $11. Well even with this new construction job going well and me learning new skills, I could never hold a job, aside from my boss buying me lunches and clearly seeing me doing a nice effort and showing…

Ever since high school I've held part time jobs and then getting into full time work after high school. Never did any college. I must have quit/been fired over 10 to 15 various low skill low paying jobs in my younger days.

I then got into laboring in residential construction around the age of 21. This is when I saw a path as to make more money as the first ever “helper” position offered to me by a contractor was $14 and hour with zero experience. And when he interviewed me he stated, “so I can only pay you $14”. I was ecstatic, since the best I've ever earned previously was around $11. Well even with this new construction job going well and me learning new skills, I could never hold a job, aside from my boss buying me lunches and clearly seeing me doing a nice effort and showing up on time daily. I jumped around from various construction and remodel crews earning more and more, along with higher pay more skills. Also building a collection of many tools.

Well to wrap things up I'm 25 now and started my own business, licensed and insured. And recently made $3600 in 7 days of work ( over $500 per day) this doesn't happen every week but nowadays I'd never work or price a job less than $300 a day. It's just crazy to think over only a year ago I was still jumping from employers getting $20 at best, or on the books $500 a week. Making that in a day now and I never want to look back. Plus I now was able to buy a house, dirt cheap fixer upper and will renovate the entire thing myself. No mortgage, no horseshit system. Fuck the system, yes I will need to consider as I get older buying private health insurance and what not but I could care less honestly, life's too short. No college debt either. And both my parents growing up were teachers, anyone can become there own boss and do there own thing it doesn't have to be construction, just LEARN SKILLS

I feel like those of many who cannot work hourly under an employer, I hate authority too much, just who I am.

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