
Anyone else only really started to work in their thirties due to long studies, hard times finding employment or any other reasons ?

What's your story if you did? Because I'm one of them: Got my BA at 24, MA at 27, but it took 5 1/2 years (of unemployment) to find a job that suited my level of education, so I was almost 33 when I got started, not exactly common ! (…ok, granted, I was extremely lucky because a family member of mine was a business owner, so he made me references and a work certificate signed by his hand from his own business to cover this long ass gap which would have been VERY hard to explain, in order to make me desirable or I doubt I would have gotten employed lol, but still it worked wonders and I'm doing good now…and I also learned to feel less guilt from embellishing the truth due to how tough it is out there). nb: not living in the USA though

What's your story if you did? Because I'm one of them:

Got my BA at 24, MA at 27, but it took 5 1/2 years (of unemployment) to find a job that suited my level of education, so I was almost 33 when I got started, not exactly common ! (…ok, granted, I was extremely lucky because a family member of mine was a business owner, so he made me references and a work certificate signed by his hand from his own business to cover this long ass gap which would have been VERY hard to explain, in order to make me desirable or I doubt I would have gotten employed lol, but still it worked wonders and I'm doing good now…and I also learned to feel less guilt from embellishing the truth due to how tough it is out there).

nb: not living in the USA though

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