
Anyone else taking a couple days off for their mental health because of Roe?

I am feeling the weight of this decision. I woke up with less rights today than a few days ago. A pro life friend says this doesn't affect me since I'm in my 40s married with children. I disagree. My husband had a vasectomy but if I were to be raped then what are my options? I would definitely have an abortion but now am I always looking over my shoulder to be ousted? I told my husband that I should probably just schedule myself for a tubal ligation but now I have to go through a surgery to legally protect myself from a what if situation. Men have more freedom than us woman in a country that is supposed to protect freedom. So I'm not working today or tomorrow.

I am feeling the weight of this decision. I woke up with less rights today than a few days ago. A pro life friend says this doesn't affect me since I'm in my 40s married with children. I disagree. My husband had a vasectomy but if I were to be raped then what are my options? I would definitely have an abortion but now am I always looking over my shoulder to be ousted? I told my husband that I should probably just schedule myself for a tubal ligation but now I have to go through a surgery to legally protect myself from a what if situation. Men have more freedom than us woman in a country that is supposed to protect freedom. So I'm not working today or tomorrow.

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