
Anyone else think LinkedIn is fucking toxic?

I can’t go on LinkedIn for five seconds without seeing some pompous, fake post, about how they think their company is “the best”, and treat every little thing they accomplish in life like it’s the second coming of Jesus Christ, and they make sure to post paragraphs about it to MAKE SURE we know how “important and amazing” it is for them. If you ask me, It’s just people who get hooked on that corporate kool-aid and treat LinkedIn like an Instagram for “professionals”. They will post anything nowadays on there, not even work related sometimes. When did LinkedIn become a platform for self validation? Maybe it’s because I’m a Gen Z’r and I don’t believe in forcing yourself to grind away in a workplace and act like being a corporate slave is the best thing in the world considering the company you work for could probably give two shits…

I can’t go on LinkedIn for five seconds without seeing some pompous, fake post, about how they think their company is “the best”, and treat every little thing they accomplish in life like it’s the second coming of Jesus Christ, and they make sure to post paragraphs about it to MAKE SURE we know how “important and amazing” it is for them.

If you ask me, It’s just people who get hooked on that corporate kool-aid and treat LinkedIn like an Instagram for “professionals”. They will post anything nowadays on there, not even work related sometimes.

When did LinkedIn become a platform for self validation?

Maybe it’s because I’m a Gen Z’r and I don’t believe in forcing yourself to grind away in a workplace and act like being a corporate slave is the best thing in the world considering the company you work for could probably give two shits about you.

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