
Anyone else who got their pay cut when COVID broke out?

In early 2020, I worked as a cook at a local restaurant/bar when COVID hit and a lot of my coworkers got laid off. Those of us that remained got our already low pay cut by at least dollar an hour(think I went from $12 to $11) because of how “slow” business was. Also we all got delegated more responsibilities to pick up the slack of those that got laid off. I started doing the kitchen manager duties(and much more) and they assured me I’d get a pay raise and guaranteed management position “when things got better”. One of the owners bought a brand new Ford truck and a $400k house not long after that. When I finally got that “management position”(which I had already been doing for a year without the title and pay, showed up every single day and never took any vacation days) I found out that…

In early 2020, I worked as a cook at a local restaurant/bar when COVID hit and a lot of my coworkers got laid off. Those of us that remained got our already low pay cut by at least dollar an hour(think I went from $12 to $11) because of how “slow” business was. Also we all got delegated more responsibilities to pick up the slack of those that got laid off. I started doing the kitchen manager duties(and much more) and they assured me I’d get a pay raise and guaranteed management position “when things got better”. One of the owners bought a brand new Ford truck and a $400k house not long after that. When I finally got that “management position”(which I had already been doing for a year without the title and pay, showed up every single day and never took any vacation days) I found out that the new cooks I was supervising were getting paid the same or more per hour as me. That’s when I quit. I learned to never be blindly loyal to scumbag capitalists again. Wasted over 2 years of my life on those pricks. Anyone else want to share their experience during that time period?

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