
Anyone ever walk out on a job?

I have been working at a Swiss Bank for 4 months now and feel as if I've reached my breaking point. I KNOW how to do my job and carry out various tasks without issue. Everyone in the firm loves me and I love them back….EXCEPT for my piece of crap boss. He is 66 years old and bipolar. He will go from 0 to 60 immediately and start yelling, ridiculing, slamming his fists against his desk and slamming doors. My anxiety has never been THIS high. I DREAD walking in there. Stress from the moment I get there to the moment I leave. I feel it is also affecting my health. There are 2 of us assistants working for him. One of them is Jonathan and the other is myself. Jonathan is VERY weak and subservient. My boss will get in his face and scream at him. Poor Jonathan…

I have been working at a Swiss Bank for 4 months now and feel as if I've reached my breaking point. I KNOW how to do my job and carry out various tasks without issue. Everyone in the firm loves me and I love them back….EXCEPT for my piece of crap boss.
He is 66 years old and bipolar.
He will go from 0 to 60 immediately and start yelling, ridiculing, slamming his fists against his desk and slamming doors. My anxiety has never been THIS high. I DREAD walking in there. Stress from the moment I get there to the moment I leave. I feel it is also affecting my health.

There are 2 of us assistants working for him.
One of them is Jonathan and the other is myself. Jonathan is VERY weak and subservient. My boss will get in his face and scream at him. Poor Jonathan just takes it and lowers his head.
I, on the otherhand, put my foot down A LONG time ago and made sure that if he ever tries to get in my face, I would handle that situation effectively.
He never once did. Especially since I weightlift and am double his size. Only difference now is he doesn't DIRECTLY attack me. He has become very passive aggressive. I reported him 2 weeks ago and management tore him a new a**hole. Now he says random stuff like, “Must be nice when I'm gone huh? Me not bitching must be cool.” I directly told him, “Yes, its very peaceful when you're out of the office.” He loathes me but cannot do a damn thing because MANAGEMENT hired me, not him.

He's racist, misogynistic and a hypocrite.
I've heard him on the phone calling women in the firm bitches. He was also speaking to a buddy of his and actually said, “….she's so sweet. She comes from a great family. Can you believe she's dating a black guy?”
My jaw dropped. That was the last straw. I reported him.

Now the issue I'm having is that they've slapped the golden handcuffs on me. The man is one of the worst human beings on earth, but I'm also being paid well.
I'm truly believing the money is not worth the stress and chaos erupting between us. I've only been here 4 months and we absolutely loathe one another.
I want to leave and find a better firm.
I literally took a sick day today because I did not want to see his stupid beady little eyes anymore.
What would you guys do?

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